
Gobble Gobble!

Good Morning Kyler and Brady!

Guess what?

It's going to be a fantabulousincredagical day today!!!

It stopped raining. Yay!
This turkey came for a visit today. He ran right through our yard. 

Isn't that the coolest?

I bet he was really hungry after all that rain. We don't think they like to go out in the rain too much.

That's just like us, isn't it? 

(But we do like to splash in big puddles when it's warm.  :)

What is your favorite thing to do in the rain?

Do you know what day it is today?

It is .... did you say it?



Do you know what that means?

It means...
we are going to see you!


We are so excited! 

We're doing the Happy Dance!


Oh, Puff the Magic Dragon Lived By the Sea...

We found these awesome pictures of Puff the Magic Dragon today! 
We thought you'd like them.

These pictures are from a storybook about Puff the Magic Dragon and little Jackie Paper.

We want to read it together someday. 
Would you like that?

We think it would rock to go to Honalee on vacation.
When we went to Scotland, there was an island called the Isle of Skye, and it looked just like Honalee. We wonder if it's the same place.

We loved singing this song with you last time we saw you. We can't wait to do it again.

We love Puff. 

We love you too!

This is Peter, Paul, and Mary singing our favorite song at a concert! Linda/Nana has seen them sing this in person at concerts many times - she sang it with them just like the people in this video. 
She loves to sing along!

Have you learned all the words yet?

We think the storybook pictures above of Puff the Magic Dragon are pretty. What do you think? 

Here's another video for you.

This one has the same pages as the book here.

Babies are Special. Even Baby Elephants.

an ELEPHANT story

Babies are so special. 
All babies are special - even elephant babies!

This baby elephant is seeing the ocean
for the very first time!

He looks like he's having so much fun, doesn't he?  
He might want to live at the beach from now on. 

We hope he gets to.

Do you run and play in the ocean like this too? We do!

Have you ever seen an elephant in real life?

Linda/Nana wants to ride one someday.
Do you?

We found some more pictures of baby elephants.
We think baby elephants are so sweet - and fun!

This is not a baby! 
This is a Mommy or Daddy elephant protecting their babies from predators!

Awww. So sweet!


The Solar System Song!

Hi Kyler and Brady!

Do you remember when we found this video and played this song the first time?


Did you know that ever since we discovered this video I have watched it many times?

There is something very special about this video and song.  Do you think so too?

I love so many things about it.

Grandpa has a gigantic telescope. He made it himself.

Do you know what a telescope does?

It's like a superhuman magnifying glass that can see the planets.
It's so powerful that you can see them pretty close if it's dark enough.
It's so cool!

Grandpa said he will take you and Brady out one night to look at the planets in it. But only when Mommy and Daddy think you are old enough to go out that late at night.

We think you will really love that! It's so much fun.

I love seeing the planets through it!
Especially in the dark. :)

 I hope we can sing this together again soon. 

 We love you Kyler and Brady!

We love Mommy and Daddy too!

Strawberry Twizzlers? Say What?

We bet Mommy and Daddy are wondering why we called this Strawberry Twizzlers. 
Kyler and Brady, can you guess why?

Because we love to eat them!