
Oh, Puff the Magic Dragon Lived By the Sea...

We found these awesome pictures of Puff the Magic Dragon today! 
We thought you'd like them.

These pictures are from a storybook about Puff the Magic Dragon and little Jackie Paper.

We want to read it together someday. 
Would you like that?

We think it would rock to go to Honalee on vacation.
When we went to Scotland, there was an island called the Isle of Skye, and it looked just like Honalee. We wonder if it's the same place.

We loved singing this song with you last time we saw you. We can't wait to do it again.

We love Puff. 

We love you too!

This is Peter, Paul, and Mary singing our favorite song at a concert! Linda/Nana has seen them sing this in person at concerts many times - she sang it with them just like the people in this video. 
She loves to sing along!

Have you learned all the words yet?

We think the storybook pictures above of Puff the Magic Dragon are pretty. What do you think? 

Here's another video for you.

This one has the same pages as the book here.

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