
It's so pretty!

It is always so magical when the frost stays on the branches of the trees. It's like a winter wonderland! I feel like I'm in a fairy tale when it looks like this outside.
Do you feel like that too?


Operation Gobble Gobble!

Today, on Thanksgiving, we cooked 9 turkeys and met our friends at the Factory to make turkey sandwiches and special treats for everybody who had to work on such a special day.

We thought you might like to see the labels we put on the bags that we gave to people.
You can come do it with us next year if you want to. It was so much more fun that we thought it would be. It was the best Thanksgiving morning ever!


Rock Hounds!

Look at you guys!
You are looking at rocks - and very safely too!
It's so good that you wore your safety glasses!
Do you remember what was very special about these rocks?


Let It Shine!

It is the middle of winter right now.

Winter can be so dark and cold, can't it?

But also so fun when it snows!

It is dark out right now,

and I started singing a song I loved when I was a kid.

It's called, "This Little Light of Mine."

Do you know it? Or what it means?

It means 

each one of us has a
 inside us...

because we are each unique - 

and have our own special qualities 

that make us beautiful to each other.

These special qualities in each of us 

make the 

the beautiful place it is.

You see, each of us 
makes a difference in the world...
and both of
 make the world better.

Did you know when you 

let the light inside you shine bright,

it makes other people want to shine too?

That's a very nice thing.

I'm so glad both of you 
are in the world with us right now...

because you make this world so special to us. 

 would not be the same without you in it. 

So, remember...

Let Your

Here is one version...and below are my other favorites. 

Maybe we can all sing it together next time we see you.

The next one is the African Children's Choir.
Grandpa and I went to see them 
at an Episcopal Church. They are amazing!
I love how they sing this song - 
especially the last part.


Bruce Springsteen!


I was going nuts!

I am so happy today!!

Do you know why?


I haven't been able to find it anywhere...and it was driving me nuts.

I felt nuts like this:

This is how I looked when I was going nuts.

We were going nuts because 

we wanted to tell you 
so many cool things we did or saw 
when we weren't with you!

But I have good news!

I FINALLY figured out how to get back here!
I made believe I was a detective and 
took some time to investigate and...
I did it!

It sure reminds me that we 
really can do anything if we put our 


 Kyler and Brady -
I was just thinking about something.
Isn't it silly that we say "I was going nuts?"

This is how I see it...nuts are for eating, right?
It's not the nut's fault we are frustrated, right?
And I wonder why we say we are going? 
If we're going, we are headed somewhere, right?
Nuts are not a place!
We humans are so silly sometimes!

So, here's to eating nuts, instead of going nuts!

Isn't that a whole lot better?

We're sending you a big bear
until we see you again!

Since we can't get a hug from you,
will you all give each other one for us?
Like right now?

We love hugs more than ice cream.

Well, it's great to talk to you guys.
I hope Grandpa and I see you soon!

We Love You.
Come to think of it, 
we love you more than ice cream too.
