
I was going nuts!

I am so happy today!!

Do you know why?


I haven't been able to find it anywhere...and it was driving me nuts.

I felt nuts like this:

This is how I looked when I was going nuts.

We were going nuts because 

we wanted to tell you 
so many cool things we did or saw 
when we weren't with you!

But I have good news!

I FINALLY figured out how to get back here!
I made believe I was a detective and 
took some time to investigate and...
I did it!

It sure reminds me that we 
really can do anything if we put our 


 Kyler and Brady -
I was just thinking about something.
Isn't it silly that we say "I was going nuts?"

This is how I see it...nuts are for eating, right?
It's not the nut's fault we are frustrated, right?
And I wonder why we say we are going? 
If we're going, we are headed somewhere, right?
Nuts are not a place!
We humans are so silly sometimes!

So, here's to eating nuts, instead of going nuts!

Isn't that a whole lot better?

We're sending you a big bear
until we see you again!

Since we can't get a hug from you,
will you all give each other one for us?
Like right now?

We love hugs more than ice cream.

Well, it's great to talk to you guys.
I hope Grandpa and I see you soon!

We Love You.
Come to think of it, 
we love you more than ice cream too.


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